Mission Statement
To strengthen students by building their leadership, communication, and team skills.
Student Leaders
Chapter PresidentHarmony KallbergYear- 11th I have been in FFA for three years. In LDE's i have competed in parli pro. In CDE's i have competed in ag sales. Some of my hobbies that I like to do is working with my horses and playing sports. My SAE is wokring and training my horses.
Chapter Vice PresidentSadie MajeresYear in school: 10th How long in FFA: 4 years CDE's and LDE's: Small animal care, parli pro, Food science, ag sales SAE: Beef Production Entrepreneurship Hobbies: Basketball and Volleyball,Church Youth Group, working on the farm,managing livestock,Spending time with my family at the lake.
Chapter SecretaryMolly JochimYear in school:9th grade How long have i been in FFA: 3 years What LDE's and CDE's have i done:parli pro,ag sales,flori culture,agri science fair What is my SAE:growing a garden What are some of my hobies:volleyball, fishing, hunting, track, working out, archery.
Chapter Student AdvisorBrooklyn BakerBio Coming Soon
Chapter TreasurerEmmit LaggeBio Coming Soon
Chapter SentinelAspyn ThelenBio Coming Soon
Chapter ReporterBella WimerYear in school - 9th grade How long have you been in FFA - 3 years What CDEs and LDEs do you participate in - Parlie Pro, Ag sales, Small animal care, Agriscience Fair What is your SAE - Taking care of all my animals What are some of your activities - volleyball, rodeo, snowboard, ride horse, track, and show cows
Program Vision Statements
Increase community awareness.
Grow community involvement with chapter.
Prepare students for ag and non-ag related careers.
Strengthen students' confidence in themselves and their work.
Grow in active membership.
Student Committees
CommitteeCommittee Summary and Objectives
Growing Leaders - Career Success
Chair: Sadie Majeres
AET Friday Our FFA members will dive deeper into career exploration by utilizing their SAEs on the AET. We will have an "AET Friday" every third Friday of the month. Objectives: 1. Develop Career Knowledge and Exploration 2. Create Accurate Records and Keep them Up-to-Date 3. Learn to Keep track of Finances
Growing Leaders - Healthy Lifestyle
Chair: Harmony Kallberg
FFA Color Run The FFA Chapter will host a color run that will be open to our members, the community of Garrison, and neighboring FFA chapters. We will have competitors all get a white T-shirt, and the Garrison FFA officers, advisors, and volunteers will distribute the colors throughout the run. Objectives: 1. Express the importance of physical activity 2. Build moral among fellow FFA members, FFA chapters, and within the entire community
Growing Leaders - Leadership
Chair: Bella Wimer
Officer Escape Room The officer team will participate in an escape room, where they will have to work together under the leadership of their president, Harmony, to help get them out of the escape room. Objectives: 1. Build Communication Skills 2. Develop Teamwork Skills 3. Practice Incorporating Personal Leadership Skills into a Successful Team
Growing Leaders - Personal Growth
Chair: Molly Jochim
Dickens Festival Garrison FFA members will volunteer at the annual Dicken's Festival held in Garrison every year, for 3 consecutive weekends, starting Thanksgiving weekend. Here, members will help set-up various booths and other activities that happen throughout the festival, along with serving hot chocoloate to the people that attend the festival. Objectives: 1. Learn to communicate with the public 2. Understand the importance of assisting those in need 3. Develop communication skills and other soft skills
Growing Leaders - Scholarship
Chair: Aspyn Thelen
Northern Plains Tour Our FFA members will tour the Northern Plains/Case IH facility here in Garrison. Objectives: 1. Develop knowledge about the business and the industry 2. Encourage work co-op placements here, with the opportunity to continue working here. 3. Explore monetary benefits for post-secondary schooling to work in this business.
Building Communities - Citizenship
Chair: Brooklyn Baker
Game Night with Senior Citizens/Veterans The Garrison FFA Chapter will be going to our local nursing home, Benedictine Assisted Living Center, and play games and cards with the residents there. Objectives: 1. Interact with the elderly of the community. 2. Show appreciation for veterans who have served, along with all the elderly who have been a part of the community for years. 3. Create relationships with the residents of the living center.
Building Communities - Economic Development
Chair: Sadie Majeres
Food Drive Our members will collect canned goods and other non-perishable food items from community members through a competition held within the chapter. The food items will be given to CHS during their Harvest for Hunger month, and these items will be sent to local Food Pantries. Objectives: 1. Teach students the importance of helping others in need. 2. Create a partnership with the community to support each other.
Building Communities - Environmental
Chair: Brooklyn Baker
Garbage Clean-Up Day During an FFA meeting, our chapter will walk around the town of Garrison and collect garbage. Objectives: 1. Learn the importance of keeping your town clean. 2. Understanding how to be a positive influence on others within your community. 3. Develop respect for keeping your community clean.
Building Communities - Human Resources
Chair: Emmit Lagge
Operation Sandbox Our FFA members will create and build a sandbox, and then install it at the local T-ball/baseball field. This sandbox will be utilized as a place for the youth of our community to play while parents are supporting their kids during the baseball and T-ball seasons. Objectives: 1. Provide a fun and safe environment for youth in the community. 2. Create community outreach. 3. Provide support for other organizations outside of FFA.
Building Communities - Stakeholder Engagement
Chair: Emmit Lagge
Cookies for the Community The FFA members will be baking and delivering cookies and thank-you cards to the people that work at local businesses within the community. Objectives: 1. Show appreciation to local businesses for their support of our chapter. 2. Learn the importance of selflessness and giving back to our community stakeholders.
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Advocacy
Chair: Aspyn Thelen
CDE Day Our FFA members will host a CDE day, where multiple "mini CDE's" will be put together and held for students to try and compete. Objectives: 1. Inform all FFA members of what our various CDEs entail 2. Provide an opportunity for FFA members to try and see what CDEs may interest them 3. Relate each CDE back to the agricultural industry and real-life career opportunities for all FFA members to see the value of each CDE
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Literacy
Chair: Harmony Kallberg
Reading Agricultural Book to Elementary The Garrison FFA members will read agricultural-based books to elementary students. These books will be both fun and educational to the students. Objective: 1. Provide Agricultural Literacy to elementary students 2. Interact and positively influence elementary students
Strengthening Agriculture - Chapter Recruitment
Chair: Molly Jochim
Greet and Eat Our FFA members will be in Official FFA Dress and greet the elementary students at the door in the morning as they come in. They will also eat breakfast with the elementary students. Objectives: 1. Create a connection with young students 2. Develop an interest in FFA and the Agricultural Industry at a young age. 3. Serve as a positive role model for young students.
Strengthening Agriculture - Safety
Chair: Aspyn Thelen
Farm Safety Day Our members will present, facilitate, and educate the elementary students on proper farm safety procedures. These topics include: safety around PTOs, tractors, ATVs, other large equipment, and safety around small and large livestock. Objectives: 1. Create an understanding in the youth about the importance of Farm Safety 2. Demonstrate farm safety with hands-on activities.
Strengthening Agriculture - Support Group
Chair: Bella Wimer
Pie and Ice Cream Social The Garrison FFA Chapter will host a pie and ice cream social for the community during FFA week. Objectives: 1. Boost moral and make positive connections with the community members 2. Education the community about what Agricultural Education is all about, in the hopes of forming more support groups for our chapter.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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